China appoints New Ambassador to Afghanistan – A Promising Step in a Recovering Nation

China appoints New Ambassador to Afghanistan
Image Courtesy – Ariana News

Afghanistan is considered a graveyard for empires, but after the American fiasco, it seems countries want to initiate diplomatic relations with Afghanistan. In a war-torn country like Afghanistan, countries are hesitant to send their envoys, but China appoints new Ambassador to Afghanistan to grow diplomatic relations. After appointment, Chinese ambassador has officially presented his credentials to the Prime Minister of the Taliban-led Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

After 2021, it is first appointment of diplomatic envoy in Afghanistan and this affair marks as the first appointment of a foreign envoy at the ambassadorial level since the Taliban assumed power in 2021. However, it remains unclear up till now whether appointment of Chinese Ambassador is a step towards the formal recognition of the Taliban government by the People’s Republic of China.

China appoints New Ambassador namely Zhao Xing

Today, Mr. Zhao Xing, the China’s new ambassador to Afghanistan, officially presented his credentials to Prime Minister Mohammad Hassan Akhund in a meeting. This official service actually signifies the initiation of Mr. Zhao Xing’s role as the Chinese envoy to the Taliban-led Afghanistan. The Deputy Spokesman, Mr. Bilal Karimi broke the news on social and state media stating it to a big achievement for the war-torn country, where just an year ago, American bombs and bullets were reigning.

China’s Diplomatic Approach

China on a diplomatic front has always been very cautious and it is following the same strategy in Afghanistan’s case. Taliban-led-Afghanistan has not been officially recognized by any foreign government, but with the appointment of Chinese Ambassador in Kabul, it seems recognition of Afghan government is just around the corner.

Ariana News recently reported a significant event that took place on the social media platform X (formerly known as Twitter). In this significant development, Prime Minister Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhund of The Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan graciously received the credentials of the newly appointed Chinese Ambassador to Afghanistan. The ceremony was conducted with utmost respect and included a formal guard of honor for the outgoing Chinese Ambassador as well.

This event demonstrates the diplomatic relations between Afghanistan and China, highlighting the importance of maintaining strong ties in an ever-changing global landscape. Such ceremonies not only signify the continuation of a fruitful partnership but also emphasize the respect and goodwill shared between the two nations.

China appoints New Ambassador – Analysis

It is pertinent to discuss here that the appointment Mr. Zhao Xing stands out in the context of other nations’ diplomatic missions in Kabul. Pakistan and few European countries have sent their diplomats to the Afghan land, but have not handed out the title “Ambassador” rather opted to address them as “Charge d’affairs” which implies responsibility of ambassadorial duties, but formal role of ambassador has not been bestowed upon them. China appoints New Ambassador to Afghanistan

Taliban’s Ascent to Power

On the momentous day of August 15, 2021, Taliban took over Kabul despite it having a great security force, built with years of western support under the leadership of former US-backed President Ashraf Ghani. Those embarrassing image came out of Kabul and surprised every western power who had invested in creation of security force for Kabul, excused to fight the Taliban soldiers and laid down their arms without a fight.

Consequently, the US-backed Afghan President Ashraf Ghani fled the country and didn’t stop to negotiate the terms of settlement. Mr. Zhao Xing appointment as China’s ambassador to Afghanistan is a striking development in the region. This Chinese appointment of new ambassador shall gain confidence of other nations and regional players to build diplomatic relations with the Taliban-led government. It further raises queries about China’s intentions for the new future and potential recognition of the Taliban regime.

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