Leaked Cipher unveiling US role in Imran Khan’s ouster

Leaked Cipher unveiling US role in Imran Khan’s ouster

Classified Meeting

It is revealed through a leaked cipher that in a meeting held on March 7, 2022, between the Pakistani ambassador to the United States Mr. Asad Majeed Khan, and State Department officials i.e. Donald Lu, Undersecretary of State & Deputy Undersecretary of State, discussions unfolded that would set the stage for significant political upheaval in Pakistan by ousting Imran Khan from Power and reinstate people who were about to be convicted in corruption scandals.

The Intercept says that the meeting’s details were covertly recorded in a leaked Pakistani government document, raising questions about the Leaked Cipher unveiling the US role in Khan’s ouster.

Whereas, the former Prime Minister stated in a political gathering in Islamabad after his ouster and stated that there were note takers on both ends, hence recording the discussion of both individuals in the minutes thus revealing the US role in Imran Khan’s ouster.

Ukraine, the reason for political upheaval and his ouster?

The aftermath of the meeting witnessed a flurry of political activities and controversies in Pakistan, eventually leading to a no-confidence vote in Parliament and Khan’s removal from power.

Khan initially accused the former Chief Of Army Staff Mr. Qamar Javed Bajwa of collaborating with the Americans and ousting him from office, later on, he changed his statement to the extent of Americans that it was COAS who approached the Americans, hired lobbyist Mr. Hussain Haqqani to execute his plan of removing Imran khan from office by reaching out US Congress and State Department.

This pivotal moment marked a turning point in Pakistan’s political landscape and triggered a struggle for control between Khan and his military and civilian adversaries.

 Leaked Cipher

Contained within the classified Pakistani cable is an account of the diplomatic exchange between State Department officials, including Assistant Secretary of State Donald Lu, and Asad Majeed Khan, then the Pakistani ambassador to the U.S.

The cable, known as a “cypher,” revealed the nature of discussions that took place and the concerns expressed by U.S. officials wherein American Undersecretary of State Donald Lu clearly stated to remove Imran Khan is the upcoming vote of no-confidence in parliament.

Carrots and Sticks

The leaked document sheds light on the diplomatic tactics of “Carrots and Sticks” by the U.S. State Department. Lu’s statements in the meeting highlighted a subtle approach, where the U.S. seemed to favor Khan’s removal from office.

The message conveyed to the ambassador i.e. Asad Majeed Khan was one of potentially warmer relations with Pakistan if Khan were ousted in a no-confidence motion, otherwise hinting at consequences reaching far beyond Pakistan’s control.

Controversy and Denials

American denial was noteworthy as the leaked cipher’s contents came to public attention and the U.S. State Department was swift to refute any explicit interference in Pakistan’s internal politics.

Despite Khan’s claims, State Department spokespersons maintained that the U.S. did not have a position on Pakistan’s leadership as well as emphasized the need for careful interpretation of diplomatic discussions on national and international media.

 Power Struggles Between Imran Khan and Military Leadership

The struggle for political dominance between Khan and the military added complexity to the situation since as stated many times by Imran Khan in interviews to various international political programs he wanted to implement his foreign policy.

Khan’s removal was perceived as a calculated move, influenced by the powerful Pakistani military and its alignment with U.S. interests. The leaked cipher underscored the intricate dance between internal politics and international pressures.

The leaded cipher shared that Americans perceived it was a unilateral decision by Imran Khan to visit Russia and Military leadership never backed this decision.

On the contrary, Imran Khan has stated several times on TV shows as well as on his YouTube channel that with Pakistan approaching for cheap crude oil & wheat, military leadership also asked the Prime Minister for requisitioning hardware for multiple military setups and this meeting was planned at least a couple of years before his actual visit.

 Crackdown on dissent and erosion of Civil Liberties

In the wake of Khan’s removal, Pakistan witnessed a disturbing erosion of democratic values when 10000 plus workers of PTI were arrested and tortured in police stations, making a complete mockery of democratic values.

The so-called democratic, but in reality, military’s crackdown on dissent and its efforts to silence opposition signaled a troubling shift toward authoritarianism.

Media censorship, detention of civil society members, and a tightening grip on civil liberties are threatening signs of a democratic backslide.

 Assessment and Fallout

The cable assessment section hinted at a possible overreach by the U.S. diplomat and sparked debates on the extent of U.S. influence in Pakistan’s internal politics.

While the leaked cipher did not explicitly direct, order, or call for Khan’s removal from office, it presented a scenario where U.S. backing of a No-confidence vote for Khan’s ouster could be inferred, thereby intensifying speculations about foreign interference, making it an awkward situation on the international front.

 Khan’s Legal Battles and Military Pressure

Khan’s legal battles and ongoing confrontation with the military underscored the enduring impact of his removal from power. The moment Khan was ousted from Power, tons of cases were registered against him, 180 cases up till now and counting, one way of silencing the opponent in Pakistan to keep him busy in court appearances.

He faced charges under the Official Secrets Act related to his disclosure of the leaked cipher, further complicating his legal predicament. The situation highlighted the entanglement of legal proceedings, geopolitical maneuvers, and domestic power dynamics.


The leaked cipher, containing the delicate exchange between the State Department and Pakistan’s representatives, cast a spotlight on the complexities of modern geopolitics. Imran Khan’s ouster, catalyzed by the aftermath of this meeting, stands as a significant chapter in Pakistan’s history.

The role of the powerful Pakistani military cannot be underestimated, as it strategically aligned itself with U.S. interests, leading to a cascade of challenges to democracy. The erosion of civil liberties, media censorship, and suppression of dissent reflect the troubling consequences of such power dynamics.

Moreover, the shifting tides in Pakistan’s foreign policy, marked by Khan’s removal and the subsequent alignment with Western positions, revealed the far-reaching implications of these diplomatic maneuvers.

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